How to succeed with your goals

In the last part of the mini series on goals (Why goals matter and Fallacies of Goals) we are going to cover the basics for succeeding with any goal. Follow the three steps and propel yourself through your goals.

Belief, Action, Feedback

Episode Notes

There are three main elements in achieving any goal. Tune into this episode and figure out:

  • How to build belief in yourself and your goals.
  • How to break the spell of procrastination
  • Where you need to be spending most of your time in order to succeed with your goal
  • Why you need to be looking at yourself in the mirror? (metaphorically speaking)

0:07 Intro
0:29 In the previous episode
0:54 In this episode
1:00 Belief, Action and feedback
1:39 Belief
1:45 How do you perceive yourself? Do you believe in yourself and your abilities?
2:28 Limiting beliefs will affect your performance
2:44 You can’t run with an iron ball chained to your leg
3:01 We can cultivate belief
3:42 What are some ways that we can build belief
3:49 Auto suggestions
4:31 What are auto suggestions, the effects in ourselves
4:53 Develop affirmations
5:37 What’s your belief balance? How many beliefs in your piggy bank?
5:48 Visualisation for building beliefs
7:00 Visualise the process not just the result
7:26 Use the systems in place
7:50 Action
8:00 Just start now
8:33 Break the spell of avoidance and fear by starting
8:58 Action feeds into belief
9:06 Build belief by acting
9:32 Cumulative consistency
10:22 Carve time and make things important enough
11:14 Create boundaries and deadlines
11:54 Make a plan and schedule
12:08 What are the key activities that help us with our goal
12:37 Building a process and a habit
13:56 Feedback
15:11 Your torch can only light as far
15:48 Feedback with Accountability
16:11 What are your obstacles and challenges, resistance, friction
16:39 Keeping track of your progress
18:01 To summarise
18:43 Outro


As my friend Earl Nightingale said,

People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.

Do you know where you’re going. Welcome my friends to another episode from inside treasures My name is Phoebus and I love to challenge myself, and those around me, for the purpose of growth.

This podcast is about helping you to heal to change and grow on the previous two episodes. We talked about why goals are important why goals are important for you and what they can help you to do, and how they can you can discover yourself through the goals.

And we also talked about the fallacies of goals, what are the kinds of things that get in the way when we’re trying to accomplish our goals. What kind of things and traps.

Do we fall into that stops us from achieving our goals. In this episode we’re gonna talk about the three main ingredients that help us progress with our goals.

The three main pillars that can help us achieve our goals is belief action and feedback. If action and feedback work in unison. They help one another and work in cycles, meaning we start, we can start anywhere, but they keep repeating themselves.

Start from feedback, what’s happening in our world, and where do we want to be. That’s the feedback we’re getting well we are at the start from action just start doing whatever it is that we want to be doing that helps us progress towards a goal or start a belief, believe I can do this. Don’t believe I can do this forever.

That is what you know a lot of you want to just jump into action. But let’s start with belief is important. How do we perceive ourselves we talked about in the last episode, the lack of belief disbelief on the things that are about to happen.

This belief in ourselves. This trust in ourselves. That is the fallacy but on the last episode we talked about how we can strengthen that belief how we can start changing the meaning that we put the way that we relate to ourselves and relate to the things that we want to achieve with our goals.

Belief is cultivated belief is now given, we can cultivate that belief, and we have cultivated that belief, but in what ways. Are there a lot of weeds in the way that we perceive ourselves. There are a lot of ways in the way that we perceive the things that we want.

The more limiting beliefs that we have more limiting thoughts so we have, of course, what’s going to affect the way we perform. We don’t believe something is possible for me. When if I push myself and force myself to take action, there’s still the possibility of me doing well. Small.

As far as simple as like, tying big iron bowl into your into your leg, and then I asked you to sprint. The Olympics. We’re not gonna do that well, even if we start. Even if we kind of try.

We’re gonna be way behind everyone else, I believe is cultivating, we can build it in ourselves, we can build trust in ourselves, we can build trust the things that we can accomplish we can build trust in the way that we can deal with adversity.

When we have this strong foundation. Then, confident, and confident about ourselves and our abilities. We might feel might feel incompetent in a certain area of our lives. And that can create the feeling of insecurity. We still have a solid basis.

The only way to build a solid basis is to keep doing things that are out there from us. They help us feel as stable and grounded within ourselves some ways that we can build belief.

This we could really spend a whole episode on going, but in short the mind is already using auto suggestions, we’re already telling yourself stuff. If I’m telling myself. I can’t do this. This is too hard. I’ll never make it.

These are ways of strengthening belief. It’s not the kind of belief that we’re after is the limiting belief. This is the kind of belief that kind of narrative that fuels insecurity, not confidence competence, all kinds of auto suggestions means I’m telling myself something.

Just come the rise the takers this help us out, and then we are out of it and we don’t even know what hit us. We’re in the state, it’s very hard for us to actually go ahead with our goals, take action suggestion usually works in the level of putting down, NLP worldwide called the auditory, it’s something, it’s things that we hear within our own minds, it’s our own thoughts that are coming up.

A lot of the times we just believe them. We go into having conversations with these things. Of course, we get trapped get trapped in our old patterns we get trapped in our old self.

How do people battle that, what are some things that we can do formations. Simple, I know you’ve heard it all before I know you have. My question to you is, have you been applying it in a consistent basis.

Because when we start to build new narratives, new beliefs, and then we install some emotion into these things, these things become to take hold.

Because that’s what an old belief is, it’s just that the automatic, they come into our minds the shop through, get our emotional reaction, and then they control the way that we act, we take this and reverse it on its head, and then we choose phrases to help us feel more confident, more empowered, more likely to believe that this is going to happen and the more and more and more than we do it.

Just like a piggy bank, we just keep putting a coin every day, the more coins that we put into a piggy bank, more money and we’re going to have confidence and we’re going to have the more certainty, we’re going to have is another way that we build a belief realization.

Don’t tell me about this realisation Come on, really, really, again, we are already doing this. We’re thinking of moving into a situation of taking action of whatever that is, or microseconds of visualization, taking place. Mind is projecting images.

Those images, a lot of times they’re just meant to protect us is like, don’t do this because this bad thing could happen. happen very quickly. They happen very subtly.

We there are we present to actually love them gifts also take hold in an emotional level so sometimes we might just feel it emotionally, we don’t necessarily have to see something. A lot of the times those things they happen they happen so quickly that we don’t even register them within our minds picture, something.

Picture a scenario. Picture rejected painting costs when these things happen they cultivate the belief that I’m not able to achieve that makes sense, doesn’t it. That is why again affirmation, and visualization, the two legs.

Building relief visualization doesn’t only have to do about picturing the results of things happening, but more important into putting it into the process into the action seeing ourselves doing the things that we need to be doing, and that is the strength of visualization because I know when it comes time to action.

I’ve already processed it in my mind and that thing will propel me to visualize the process that thing, propels me. Because vision visualization and affirmations in the audio, and the visual way representations internally. The way we make sense of the world internally. They’re already driving our behaviour, because these things are taking place, whether we like it or not, which is using the same process. So, it can benefit us.

Let’s jump into action, simply just do the work. We all know that we have heard it, just do it, move on into a start. That is the first key for me. Start. And now, now I can maybe next week.

You need to learn to start now, because there’s no time like they’re not because the time that we have in our minds that we think is going to be perfect for us to start another company. And that applies across anything like presenting the first episode on the go series, somehow appealing ourselves cells wants to procrastinate, we want to put things off, we don’t want to move into where it’s uncomfortable.

Right as a way to break the spell. To start, or find the first step. The simplest of the first steps, is to do it simple. And now you know it. I know, are you applying it, because I’ve known this principle for very long. Do I still fall into the trap of this.

Absolutely. Because their emotions, but they’re stopping me and beliefs that are stopping me from doing things. Action feeds into belief. And I have started have proved limiting beliefs. My biggest way of moving forward, which is a bit backwards.

If I act act enough. We’ll build a competence. We’ll build a belief that of course breaks, a lot of the limiting beliefs. I’ve had, because it’s pouring into me. Look, you can say whatever you want in your mind. Also, if I have enough action. If I start consistently, taking action. consistency. Comes cumulative, it builds up.

Canada a piggy bank is about building belief and I’m talking about action and you’ll be saying, you just told me I don’t have to really build belief. Belief is important because, like I say will propel you with your action, and

you’ll find it very difficult to build belief, still put a lot of your money interaction. The belief will come with time. Trust me, a lot easier

if you find ways to unlock the chain, and the ball and take it over your foot and then start moving because when we’re dragging a lot harder. There’s a lot of self sabotage. there’s a lot of dragging. There’s too much friction, and resistance, those things will exist when we’re taking action that will uncover those beliefs that we have.

What’s another thing that we need a big part of action to keep acting, of course, but for most of us, we’re finding it very hard to see how that goal, how that action is going to fit into our schedule. And we’re jam packed. I don’t have any space for this.

We need to be carving some time when things become important enough, like Netflix, and the next season. We make a lot of time. We make time from the news, because we’re really interesting, or into Instagram and Facebook because we want to catch up into what our friends are doing, find a lot of time for that. After carving the right time.

Without the comes a sense of having a schedule, having slots, where we work into them. Having that fixing our mind that the next time I get a space, and just jump into the next thing about boundaries, it’s about creating deadlines to make things important.

Same way other people make things important for you when you work for other people. It’s about how can I make this important to have a deadline and to move progress towards that. And that is simple, every week on nine o’clock on a Tuesday, I do this for two hours. Wednesday I do that for two hours.

You have a class that you go to class takes place between nine and 10, either in the class, or you’re not in the class when you’re in the class, you’re doing the work when you’re out of the class, the work takes place but you’re not part of it.

How can you be part of the work that’s involved with your goal. Go back into planning planning is important, but like we said in the previous episode. don’t over plan. It’s simple. Take it simple. Few milestones are enough. Next step is enough.

As part of the planning, we have to identify the key activities that help us progress in our goals. If my goal is to write a book. I need to be writing a key activity and writing key activities putting words into the paper can be writing a book, producing a book or not writing a can’t be producing a book and spend only 10 minutes, writing, and the rest of the time that I have doing other things.

As part of going to cover up an action is about building process. Building habits. Goals are by products. This processes. Goals are byproducts of our actions, and our habits, the successful realisation of goals is a byproduct of a process, a byproduct of a habit. It’s not an event, it’s not something, it’s not we won the lottery overnight. And that has a process, you have to go and buy ticket.

Events don’t happen in goals events happen as a byproduct of what we’ve been going through the process, or the effort we put in. Then opportunities arise because we’re in the right mind frame for us to be able to see them happen because of process.

The process into your life. Again, don’t overcomplicate it, it doesn’t need to be super engineered back to the book, the processes that I need to sit down and write 500 words a day. 500 words, a week, whatever that is for you is person is different.

There’s a process. You create a process and you define the process and you work within that process process is helping you stay on course. Last The final step is feedback. We need feedback. What is going on. We need to know what is going on, we need to know where we are.

We need to know whether our actions are leading us closer to where we want to be. We need to know what is going on when we take specific kinds of actions is working. Sometimes it’s random. The one we get a success. It doesn’t even matter because it’s completely random.

It might be built on all the work that we’ve been putting in getting feedback helps us adjust our course, develop better strategies help us better take better action, help us reflect deeper into our belief posts get feedback from other people. In order to adjust our course because it couldn’t be a better one.

So about taking in input on what has been a result of our output. We’ve been putting out, we need to understand how that is reflected into the world, and back into us in order for us to be able to adjust have to be noticed in the micro results.

The small micro results differences. Oh, look, I did this today. And look how I feel about it. Belief has strengthened, like to think of feedback, as if you have like a little tiny torching and moving around in the dark, your torch is small, can only shine as far won that torch reflects back. You can see when we are having our mind where we’re going towards can only shine as far, far as the next step.

As far as where we are. As far as the current setup we just took. We need to be able to be there to be observed and in order to understand what is going on, what is the environment telling myself telling me. Part of feedback I like to think of accountability as well.

Because being accountable is giving us feedback. Finger boundaries is giving us feedback, have I been there. Hi by me matching my schedule Have I been doing the things that I said I’ve been doing, and sometimes that feedback can be internal not accountability so other times it can be external, it’s up to you to find the ways that accountability works for you. That will also give us a sense of what are obstacles, what are we being challenged by.

We just act all the time then we don’t know what’s happening. We’re taking the time to see oh actually I’m having a hard time with this when I’m being challenged and there’s certain obstacles there. This is feedback. This is feedback.

And like I said, it’s the torch you know you’re gonna end up there. Okay. There’s an opening on the left, do go that way, technical way of getting feedback is about keeping tallies having dashboards, breaking chains to see the progress and see your milestones but it’s about having the metrics and saying, you know, I’ve been wanting to work out for three times so we do that work three times a week we’ll have I worked once, or I’ll have I’ve not even showed up not even once. is a way of you keeping yourself accountable.

It’s about keeping track. And we can be over obsessed about keeping track and have a sense of the things that we’re doing. We have the sense of when we’re showing up to put things on paper, it helps reason is, sometimes we don’t do things and we don’t show up and we think it’s fine because we just showed up yesterday but actually has been the whole month that we haven’t done anything.

Deep inside we know but when we’re able to see it, we are able to perceive it in a different way, then have that conversation with ourselves that look this is not working because I’m not doing what I’m saying. And I’m thinking, I’m thinking I’m doing stuff but I’m not doing anything. There’s also the reverse.

We’re doing so much but because we missed today and yesterday we think we haven’t done anything about perspective, keeping track of whether we’re showing up into our schedule slots into the carve time that we have created helps us be more realistic about the way that we perceive ourselves how are we doing, whether we’re on track on the thing somebody’s doing.

Memorise to progress you know goals to move towards succeeding with our goals. Three main key ingredients that take place. Belief is the action, and the feedback. We need all three ingredients in order to be able to move through and navigate all of them are equally important.

If action and feedback act like a triangle, even though that the biggest part of this process is the action

without the belief without a base, very hard to move forward. Without the feedback at the top of the pyramid, I find it very hard to progress pierce through this three ingredients are important to help us succeed with our goals. I’m here to help you heal change and grow. If there’s something that resonated with you something you need help with, give me a shout.

Thank you for tuning in to another episode from Inside Treasures My name is Phoebus, and until next time, my friends, let peace guide your life, love guide your heart and reason guide your thoughts.

Photograph by Content Pixie

PS. If you want to find stillness in your life and connection with yourself. Join the online Finding Stillness self-paced course.

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