Actions speak louder than words

Episode Summary

In this episode of Inside Treasures, Phoebus unpacks the powerful dynamic between our words and actions, revealing how alignment between the two can lead to personal growth and transformation. He explores the significance of integrity and how being honest about our intentions and actions is key to creating meaningful change. Get ready for a deep dive into the gap between what we say and what we do, and how closing that gap can transform your life.

- Discover how actions speak louder than words and reflect our true intentions.
- Learn how to identify misalignment between your goals and actions.
- Explore ways to overcome internal resistance and live with greater integrity.

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Episode Notes

Phoebus discusses the importance of aligning your words with your actions to create true transformation in your life. He dives into the challenges of maintaining integrity, exploring why we sometimes resist doing what we say we will, and how to address that misalignment for personal growth. Listen in to discover practical strategies to enhance your self-awareness and live with more authenticity.

00:00 – Finding Stillness
01:41 – Actions speak louder than words
02:04 – Intro
02:17 – Take charge of the meaning
02:40 – Look for the gems
03:03 – Devotive action
03:47 – Reflective action
04:45 – Are your actions out of alignment?
05:59 – Action has gravitas
06:58 – Aligned action is effortless
07:54 – Contrast is an invitaiton
09:05 – Practice
10:02 – Outro

Keywords: Integrity, Alignment, Personal Growth, Actions, Self-awareness, Resistance


00:00 A quick announcement. I’ve been working behind the scenes for the past few months around a course called finding stillness. Finding stillness is
about helping you to create that space in your life, to create deeper connection, primarily with yourself, but then as a result, with the people
around you. It has to do with cultivating more self love, more understanding, more acceptance towards yourself, your thoughts, your emotions.

00:08 Finding stillness is something that I personally find it very important and crucial. If you’re interested, go to my website,
and look for the course. Finding stones Finding Stillness is about pressing pause in life, about you finding the time and the space and
cultivating that and create that in order for you to experience a moment of bliss, which you get to create a moment of space, a moment for you
where you can sit back and actually see your life for what it is.

01:06 It’s about presencing yourself in what is going on every single day, in every single moment. That doesn’t mean this is what you will do, because
in a way, that can also sound tedious, but it’s about improving the quality of your life by presencing yourself more and more and more. And
there’s so much abundance of gifts that comes as a result of you being able to do that.

01:32 So if you’re interested, go to, look for findingstillness and I will see you at the course. Thank you, my friend. One thing that
really has helped me personally navigate through life is in the darkest moments.

01:47 To actually find the gems, to find the things that are there. As the world is mirroring you, and as I’m moving, evolving, changing in healing and
growing in life, I want to be able to recognize the things that are there, the things that life is trying to teach me. Welcome, my friend, to
another episode from Inside Treasures.

02:08 My name is Phoebus, and I love to challenge myself and those around me for the purpose of growth. I am here to help you heal, change and grow. I
know it’s a stance, and I know you could say, oh, you’re just making it up.

02:21 But what I’ve noticed is, like, even if that’s the case, and even if it is so, we’re basically taking charge of the meaning that we try to create
around things. And when we do that, we have a different stance, we have a different attitude, and we perceive the world in a different way. So
keep that in mind that no matter where you are in life, no matter where the world is mirroring back to you, no matter what is going on, there’s
always a gem to find look for that gem, and that usually leads you out of that darkness or out of this dark face in your life into a more bright
place, because you find that gem.

02:59 As you move along, you create that path in your life. The reason why I’m sharing this story right now is because through myself and seeing the
things, how they roll out, they were things that I was saying that I wanted to do. And I thought, yeah, I’m moving towards that direction.

03:19 And there was action I was taking towards those specific places, but at the same time, things were not really working out. And then what I started
to notice is how much devoted I was, how much committed was I to these things. And it was one thing, like, setting goals, for example, has been
very clear for me.

03:40 It’s like, yeah, I can sit there, I can dream about it. I can create them. But then taking action was a different thing.

03:47 The message that I want you to take from this video is that your actions will speak louder than your words. You might say things, but if they’re
not being followed through with your action, they say a lot more. We know that, you know, lead by example with our kids.

04:03 We can see that. It’s like, it’s not what you say, it’s actually what you do. Right? They kind of attract that.

04:09 We honor certain values. They can get it through osmosis. They absorb that.

04:14 They absorb the way to behave. So if I say, be polite, and then I go to the restaurant, I’m being rude, my kids will pick that up. And they also
pick up the incongruency, the inconsistency, the hypocrisy.

04:23 And they also become copies of us. Right? In a way, they have their own personality, but they pick things from us. And that way, our actions speak
louder than our words.

04:37 So it’s great to say things that we want to do. It’s great to share great ideas, but it’s also learning how to align ourselves to that. And again,
it’s as a reflection.

04:47 It’s as a means of reflection. If I say, for example, oh, I want to lose some weight, okay, it’s a great idea. And I say, I’m going to be running,
I’m going to be eating well, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

04:59 But then when it comes to it, on my day to day, or perhaps do it for one day, and then I stop, or I do it on and off, on and off. And this
happens. That happens.

05:08 My words are communicating to me that I’m out of alignment. The goal, the direction, the target, whatever you want to call it, the outcome that
we’re looking for, the space, the change that we want to create from where we are to where we want to be, right. This new level of being, this new
reality that we’re trying to create, the more aligned we are with that, of course, the more that will happen and not always will always work the
way that we expected, for sure.

05:34 But look at it this way, if I’m saying all these things and I’m deluding myself, that, yeah, that’s what I’m doing. Yeah, of course I’ve been on
track. But then if I look at my actions and they’ve been completely different, completely irrelevant to what is going on, then that is a clear
indication that actually what I’m saying is completely different with what I’m doing.

05:59 And what I’m doing has a lot more power and gravity and gravitas to what I’m saying. What I’m saying can lead me into the doing, can help me set
the direction, open that possibility, open that door so I can walk into it, so we can still use it. But also, at the same time, you have to see
where’s the incongruence between what I’m saying and what I’m doing and noticing.

06:24 It’s like, where am I out of integrity? Basically, where I’m out of line. I’m not in integrity. I said, I said I’ll be there on time, and then I’m
not on time.

06:30 I said I’ll be there on time, then I’m not on time. I said, I will do this, but then I couldn’t do this. What is going on here? What is there?
Because there is something there.

06:44 The reason I’m raising this up, because when you look into your actions, you see that there’s something there. There’s a specific reason, there’s
something that we pushed or resist towards. There’s something outside of you.

06:54 There’s something you’re afraid of. There’s always something, right? Because when we’re in line, the thing that we say is the thing that we do.
It’s not really that difficult.

07:03 And we just do. And we don’t often even have to say things because we are incongruous. We’re flowing.

07:09 There are no obstacles. Things are just easy when they’re not. Again, your actions will speak about and point to you, to the things that it needs

07:22 There’s something that I need to address inside of me in order for me to be able to take those actions. And often it will be. Actually, I don’t
even need to take those actions.

07:32 It was just the frame, the court that I needed to play in required that level of attention. So the goal is not important, but the growth that I’m
going to get through this, that I already got, I actually don’t even need to follow this anymore because I got what I needed. And that’s why it’s
good sometimes to stay the course because it will keep training you and teaching you about yourself when we turn around and be like, oh, yeah, you
know what, actually, I’m not going to do that.

07:58 And actually this causes me too much discomfort because I haven’t showed up, man. Like, that’s not really helping you in any way, shape or form
because there is that difference, there’s that contrast. And that contrast is pointing to something.

08:13 And I invite you to look at your life and see whether you out of line, incongruent, not in alignment, and see where your integrity is broken in
your actions to what you say. And then noticing that dynamic, what the gap is. And what does that tell you about you? And it’s all about being
honest because it’s hard.

08:34 Oh, you know what, man? I’ve been honoring fear more than being courageous. I’ve been actually avoiding being truthful. I actually have been a

08:42 That’s a hard thing to tell to yourself. Oh, I didn’t say that because I thought they would get hurt. But actually I’m just hiding my truth.

08:52 Okay. Your actions speak louder or inaction. Action within action is an action.

08:57 So when they come together, you can see the contrast. Notice the difference. You want some.

09:06 Something to play with? Either reflect after this video or look into your life. Look into your life. And where did I say I would do something and
I’m doing something else? I’m half doing it or I’m avoid from doing it.

09:19 But I know I should do it for this to happen, whatever that is. And then ask the next question, what is going on there? What’s behind this? What’s
beneath this? What am I resisting? What am I feeling? What am I thinking? All these things you always want to play with, you want to draw them
out. And of course, like when you come into a context that we work together, it’s like we take it very slowly and you pick something and you draw
it out and you see it for its entirely and you go all the way to its core and its depth so you can understand things.

09:52 And then from there take a new direction. Create change. Perhaps readjust the things that you’re saying or perhaps just readjust the action or
scrap it.

10:01 All together. Thank you, my friend, for tuning in to another episode from Inside Treasures. My name is Phoebus.

10:08 And until next time, my friend, let peace guide your life. Let love guide your heart, and reason guide your thoughts.

Photo by Lucas Davies on Unsplash

PS. If you want to find stillness in your life and connection with yourself. Join the online Finding Stillness self-paced course.

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